Original Post
BtC Tourney ..::Sunrise Edition::..


Lady.tbm + wushu settings

8.10.2008 servername "BtCtourney" 13:00 GMT (17:00 moscow time)

:Knock Out mode.
:Finals, One fight only knockout mode. Winner gets the #1
:The two(2) players who lose will fight for the #2 and #3 place.
:Speak in English & Russian.
:If you are Pinged or No response, There's no chance to go back in the queue
:AFKs players will not be allowed to further compete in this competition.

Sponsored by Gman80

Participate winners

Baloon escape
1) Eggsucka
2) Susanin
3) Cyclone3
1) Siku
2) Taunts
3) RfxDarth
Judo Fracture
1) Siku
2) RfxDarth
3) MasterMint

1) Zigriuxxx
2) Mazilla
3) Sipulka

1) Shkiper
2) Sipulka
3) Wen

1) Firosh
2) macperfect[/QUOTE]
AW.. Im gonna make a tourney Lady Wushu in this weekend.. But here is it :S D: D: D:
So Sad..
Originality please :S