Original Post
[Tex] One of my first head textures
Info:Hello guys this is one of my first head texture what i make, i need some guidance
Program:Gimp 2
Use paths. (idk if thats a proper name for it in English..)
"People, like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves."
Honestly, this is exactly where I started and I got a whole lot better ^.^ Just keep it up!
Sometimes the weakest ones are the ones that don't go down without a fight.
The mapping is not centered what so ever.

You need to use the path tool more. Get better curves in there. I'm not sure why your lines come out so low quality. Try making the size of the lines thicker.
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Dec 27, 2015 at 10:34 AM.

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