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"Complains about staff" board new rule suggestion
A new rule that would benefit both, the staff and the players complaining.

We had a short debate over that, which can be found here :

Basically, keep the threads made in the "Complains about staff" board available to public, but enforce a simple rule:

- Anyone who is not related to the complaint, or can't help the case by providing evidence/counter evidence that will benefit the case, should not post in the thread made by the user that is complaining about the staff member.

Originally Posted by Kikipro
They don't need to answer on the complaints that have nothing to do with them.
In my opinion, it should be between the staff/staff personnel and the users involved only.

Although sometimes other users who are not related to the case give a good answer, it usually ends up with the staff's friends defending them.
I have nothing against it, but I think it should be between the users involved and the staff only.

Keeps things tidy, too.

I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.
I like this, I mean every time you have a controversial topic between a staff / user you always have those people that just jump in to be dicks / not help
When exactly does this happen, and if it did ever happen I doubt it would stay that way without said person being told that if they don't have any actual information then they need to leave or they will be reported.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by Fates View Post
When exactly does this happen, and if it did ever happen I doubt it would stay that way without said person being told that if they don't have any actual information then they need to leave or they will be reported.

I'm pretty sure this is just what he's trying to avoid, as for the examples, they're all over the place.
Happens all the time, actually.

I recall a few threads in particular, most notably in my memory the thread regarding Fish that got out of control with all the nonsense. People posting just for the sake of posting, or the great "grow thicker skin" posts that seem to be the most popular.

Making an addition to the complaint box rules would probably be enough, maybe an announcement like the one that was made when General Reports had a similar issue.