Original Post
Activity Check and Announcement(s)
things have been kinda slow lately so im doing another activity check to c if there r any members that need to b kicked for not being active... in 4-5 days ima close it and all members who didnt post will b kicked

so post soon to keep ur spot in the clan :o

as for announcements...
We have someone doing our clan pic finally so anyone who isnt active wont b able to b a part of that. (he should contact u soon via pm if not so already)

Also, a reminder to sign up for the Clan Brawl rly soon cause theres only four days til it closes... i wanna get a team together and show everyone how good we really are.. but we need at least five in next few days ASAP cause they are only taking 4 more teams...

ok... now lets hear some clan spirit wen posting!

NIGBELCH heeerrrrrreeeeeee!
Buttcheeks here
DeDeDeDe here
Shockwave here
Lurtz here
KoEDeath here
BigFreeze530 here
Huntersylx here
XLegoX here
SniprWolf here
Maniacs here
Last edited by GloomyBear; Oct 10, 2008 at 02:23 AM.
ya lets do it lol
Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)