Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[VID] Flesh to flow

This is a WIP and I was stupid and forgot to cut the ending. But who cares just CNC the darn thing.
Cool, I don't like fleshmons replays as much as other peoples because his replays get better and worse inside the same replay, towards the start you sped up the bad parts and only showed the highlights, looking nice so far.
keyframing isn't bad,but i guess wold be better if you captured the most interesting of each replay.
the transitions on the beggining was great.
during the parkour replay,it was without a sync,and was slow.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
keyframing was p awful, didnt really get me interested in the replay
transitions were boring and generic, too fast and uninteresting
replays are terrible, try to find more suitable ones
shader didnt really fit, kinda bad
cuts during the parkour replay felt unneeded

everything about this SCREAMS obnoxious
Thanks for the CNC. And this was a requested vid to be this way so it not the best but my next will be better. Also it's a wip