Original Post
Boosting the Dismemberment Threshold on Judo
All right, so, current dismemberment threshold on judo is 100. I think it should be boosted to 125, 135 or maybe even 150. Why?

Everyone who plays judo knows how fun it is to dismember and decapitate people, tear them apart, etc. However, you also know how annoying it is when your arm just decides to dismember itself on a simple move, causing you to lose randomly.

Every time I'm playing, I see people lose tourneys and matches in general just to that, even when they are far superior and are about to win. If you think 'random' is fun, then you're playing the wrong game. Judo is far from random, regardless of what many judo-haters believe, although it involves more predicting and more coincidence than some other mods, however, it is not random and it's not suppose to be. This would only reduce randomness and make it more skill-involved.

Feel free to disagree and state you reasons as to why you feel this would be bad.
This does not belong here. Make your desired changes to the mod, upload it, and suggest it here instead.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore