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You guys don't think the technology is going to get better as it becomes more ubiquitous? You're making predictions about future scenarios based on current technologies.
Let's also remind ourselves that this topic isn't about books vs eBooks, it's about the future of newspapers and magazines.
Display technology has been practically stagnant over the last few decades. The critical components needed for books to be obsolete (color, blacks, density, usage in sunlight, non-discrete) have barely improved in maybe 20 years (actually some stuff you could even argue that some stuff has regressed namely colors and blacks).
Yes, at some stage when we have infinitely good technology books will be obsolete as such, but how can you even predict that? Your guess was based on "when those who grew up with books all die", but I disagree with that, you need the technology to be there. If it isn't then people will keep using books simply because they are superior in many ways to display technology.
But don't forget that even today many "obsolete" technologies are still in use - heck, for 99% of uses print is already obsolete, you could already move it to that category! Even if we were able to get print quality images on electronic displays, there is absolutely no guarantee that books would ever fall out of use.