How far is too far?: Backseat Modding
Lately (And through-out) my time in the forums I've noticed the term "Backseat modding" ( :O ) and I've had this term used on me once. Really, I don't understand this term. Think about it in a mathematical sense.
Toribash has 134,626 Members
And we have about.... 15 Mods/admins? (Note the question mark)
So if we split it, each mod has to watch over 8975.06 members.
I'm not supporting backseat modding, but who here actually knows what backseat modding means? Is it Like...
N00b: Spam spam spam spam spam!
Backseater: Dont do that or you'll get banned
Mod: Dont backseat mod or you'll get banned
Backseater: What I do!?!? :sadface:
N00b: [Insert post in the wrong forum here]
Backseater/s: Wrong forum, [Link to proper forum]
Mod: Dont backseat mod.
After the whole GOON era thing-y, I (And i'm sure alot of people) don't want that shit to start again. So, Why not try and take care of the problem even if your not a moderator/administrator? The people without power can't ban/edit/moderate etc, so what's the problem here? Are we wanting the moderators ONLY to keep the forum clean? Or do the mods get special treatment because they do for [Insert reason here]. I've seen some mods with just a general lack of judgment, So why not backseat mod if [Mod here] is an idiot in the front seat?