We were once monks, protecting a ordinary village from utter destruction, when one day we were possessed by the darkness, the purest form of evil, the cruelest form of being, and the scariest form of matter. When it possessed us we turned from monk, to everyone's worst nightmare. From then on we found our true destinies, our true calling, it was to destroy everyone and everything in existence, before the master of equality, hampa, destroys all evil in the world, including us. We started off killing off villages, cities, temples, and whole civilizations; After that we would kill the 5 masters of elements, Kasai, the master of fire, Mizu, The master of water, Chikyu, the master of earth, Kaze, the master of wind, and Hikari, the master of light; together with hampa, they are the guardians of time, the Jikan gadian; However there are also the three sensei's above all, Henka suru, the sensei of change, Chikara, the sensei of power, and Shi, the sensei of death; They all come together once every millennium to practice Ketsueki ato, the deadliest and most powerful fighting style in the book of Bujutsu, the book of martial arts. We trained in Ketsueki ato for years before defeating everyone, and claiming our rightful places, as the senseis od darkness, the Yami, the real darkness.