Age: 16
Belt: Custom
Skills: Aikido, Twin Swords, Mushu, Boxshu, Lenshu, Wushu
Previous Clans: Wapow, King, Unleashed, Vibe
Reason to join clan: I know afew members and wanna hang out, make the clan bigger.
Met any members: Danish45, and RRDube
Accept the rules of the clan: yes
Anything else you want to add: I make A R T
age : 24
Belt : 4th dan Black
Skills : mostly Boxshu and Wushu but also ABD
Previous Clans : none
Reason to join clan : well I met RRDube420 and I think we can get along
Met any members : Yeah as I've said above I've met RRDube420
Accept the rules of clan : yep
Anything else you wan to add : I don't have steam :P