Originally Posted by
i dont suck
(maybe you suck)
Ehehm.... Bitch [Begin Flame]
Shut up nub.
I've been here half a year you joined recently , And If I remember right you used to spam alot.
And your avatar, sucks, especially the replay.
Your flaws consist of this; I'm going to grade you: Starting from 100.
Wushu: Sucks. -8
Aikido: Meh, still needs a little brushing up. -4
Taekkyon: Nice, yet kinda bad. -1
Judo: Dunno. -0
Sambo: Dunno. -0
Ect: Sucks/Win. -5
Forums: Consist of spam posts, needs more effective posts. -10
1.) You need more pronunciation in your post's such as apostrophe's and capitalization, ect. -6
2.) Recently looking at your past posts I noticed and you had posted in all the clan boards that xFlame has challenged, ect. That's not good man.. that's basically spamming. -7
Overall : Not okay. Needs touching up.
Grade : 59 - F. (Shame on you)
So basicly, You have flaws yet it's not that bad.