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Market bug sorth of thing
So I bought this nerd glasses and now I cant put them in market to re-sell them, is it a bug? It doesnt let me to edit them, here is a screenshoot so you can see what I mean
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bug.jpg (101.9 KB, 17 views)
This happens on every 3D item, not just the one you've purchased. I've tried to put 3D items on the market in different browsers but hasn't worked so far
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

If you click on the picture of the item next to the name, it will pull up something like this just as if you were clicking the "edit" button; (don't have 3d item in deac, but yea)

It works with any item that doesn't have the "edit" button.
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Jan 29, 2016 at 04:33 AM.
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yes that i how it works if it dosnt have an edit botten to click on the pic and then put how much you want to sell it for then click update and it will be on market. its not a glitch its just how things work these days(says me and i joined in 2015XD)