Im Sc1ence01 and this is my multipurpose market thread!!!
Dont worry, the needed links are conveniently placed throughout this post. Cheers!
My TC: 22,000 My Qi: 3000
(These Values are may be out-dated, check HERE)
Wanna sell something to me?
Then you should remember that I am INTERESTED in Forces/Relaxes, 3d items, High Demand items and Valuable items. Also, I have LITTLE TO NO INTERESTS in Low-tier Items and items that are higher than my Qi. Flames and Textures are NEUTRAL to me.
Wanna buy items from me?
Then you came to the right place because i am ALWAYS selling things in my Deactivated Inventory. And oh, I also sell some items in my Activated Inventory but don't expect them to be cheap.
Also, I may start some auction threads so I'll link them here: