
I think the replays you chose were absolutely perfect for this, first off. They worked really well with the song and you were able to get pretty creative with them.

One thing I did notice though was that sync was a bit sketchy, mostly because the song you chose didn't have a whole lot to sync to. The song had a super weak bassline in the section you chose, with only one beat per measure (as far as I could hear). So you filled in the extra space by trying to sync to other parts of the song and it ended up looking a little messy.
replays are cool
music is nice
sync is ok
camera is alright, 0:27-0:28 looks a bit weird

i give it a
heck yeah!!!
Flashes are toooo bright, don't want your screen to be solid white ever
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

the key frames for the first replay were not the best, but the rest of the video fl0wed a little better, keep at it. :3
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