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what are your favorite YouTube Channels? and why ok
well i'm always using youtube to listen to some music or watch some nice minecraft gameplays, so i decided to make this thread.

i guess mine would be

actually these guys are streamers but they also have youtube channels so yeah


idubbzztv or whatever
i've been watching his videos lately and it's p entertaining


man his videos are always entertaining
i know reaction videos aren't that good but he's actually funny you know what i mean
plus he always edits his videos and it's really nice

super cool vid

this guy should be more popular, i think his channel has some potential
he does cringe comps, some reactions, and chatroulette i think?? but yeah he's p funny and you should check his channel


and pewdiepie
he is obviously the best *brofist*

so yeah you can post some videos if you want
don't forget to post the reason of why you like them

and smash that like button
i have a feeling this thread might not take off well, but i enjoy cinemasins for movie reviews, his videos the last couple of years have gotten more joke-y than it started out, but most of the things he notes are valid. yourmoviesucks for yucks, funny but informative as well. also has a pretty entertaining gaming channel. and matthewmatosis for indepth serious game reviews, though since they're all so detailed the videos usually go on for a good half hour or so. i haven't checked his stuff lately but if you're into that sorta thing. mentioning funhaus for shitty friend humour, for some reason they make their video titles sound really clickbait-y. obligatory pewdiepie is gay comment.
wow that
okay here we go boys



Brandon Rogers




video game dunkey

there u go
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Feb 19, 2016 at 08:59 AM.
Shots of awe
This guy called Jason Silva is what I call "modern philosopher", he makes me think different from the massive and boring routine, he gives some inspiration about your point of view of the world and humanity and technology.
One of his vid:

Oh this one is just awesome, he takes one random theme and explains everything about it in a smooth way, taking paralel themes and making a great lecture in simple terms.
One of his vid:

These are pretty much my favorite channels in youtube. :v
I usually find h3h3 pretty hit and miss, but his recent soflo stuff is cracking me up.
idubbz is ok, but it's weird. I have no idea why I like it. Same kinda deal with Filthy Frank.
I've watched some of video game dunkey's stuff, mainly linked from friends. mainly the dark souls stuff.

As immature as they are, and I imagine I'm gonna get a decent degree of fun made out of me for it, but I'm really into Game Grumps at the minute. I have them on in the background while I work or whatever.
AnimalBytesTV are sometimes kinda interesting. Mainly for their shit about snakes, helped a lot when I wasn't sure what kind to get.
Extra Credits are an amazing game theory channel. Some really interesting thoughts and opinions there about why various kinds of games work, don't work. They often delve into the psychology behind it too, which is probably the main reason I like them.
Dezeen Magazine is just a youtube channel for the design magazine dezeen. I check their site a lot, this thread made me realize I wasn't actually sub'd to them. Just a way to keep up to date with architecture related things tbh.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
best youtuber of all time: dunkey
he also posts serious videos once every 30 years so watch out for those
this guy has never made a bad video


best youtuber of all time: jontron
-well made videos
-actually pretty good reviews (of games nobody needed reviewing but still)


best youtuber of all time: veritasium1/vsauce1
I put these guys in the same spoiler because they are basically the same, they even ask really abstract questions and use them as video titles i mean look at this

But they still make quality videos which are usually pretty informative or at least cool to watch so yeah they're the best

best youtuber of all time:
kursltkejiepjwiwerw - In a Nutshell
Seriously this name. These guys are similar to vsauce/veritasium except the narrators voice is AMAZING and the art direction is really fun. I think minutephysics could go here too but I prefer kaodkokorjoiw. These guys make videos on science but also politics and current events etc

Not in any particular order, i'll just list some i regularly watch
hilarious dude, rarely posts skits here though, this guy has a gaming channel which is updated more often.

awesome music in this channel(thank you mused for telling me about this channel), where i go when i need company when making replays.

pretty cliche'd from the previous posts but i'm a curious guy who googles all his random bathroom thoughts and this channel shows up most of the time, one of my favourite video from him:

yeah these guys are p cool
Last edited by Whale; Feb 19, 2016 at 04:04 PM.
YourMovieSucks is dope good taste people

BroScienceLife is one of the most consistently funny youtube channels I've come across, sort of niche in a sense but I'm pretty sure he'd be funny even if you don't lift.

Errant Signal is one of the only youtube channels that reviews games that don't suck, which is dope. Most of the games reviewed have at least some unique aspect about them and he doesn't like games that I don't like which is cool (e.g. GTA)

Every Frame a Painting is a cool channel that discusses film theory. It would be cool if I actually liked movies but his videos are interesting nonetheless and scratch my learning itch
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
cr1tikal is the only lets player worth watching from my experience

hurfyd posts music regularly and i like almost every single release he uploads

bill wurtz videos are fun to look through on my phone when im like waiting in a line or have nothing to do. i liked it better when he didnt sing though. his recent video hystory of japan got viral pretty quick which is pretty great honestly i remember most of his videos having like 2 or 3k views
oh yeah
Originally Posted by Fear View Post
[Bbest youtuber of all time: jontron
-well made videos
-actually pretty good reviews (of games nobody needed reviewing but still)


at first i thought the starcade stuff he was doing was cringey as hell but that bit with psychicpebbles voicing a yoda doll thing was hilarious.

@erth its okay i watch game grumps too, it is really good for when you need background noise. danny is my favorite.
wow that