Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S] Geta Right
Please make reasonable offers.

Dun Lowball

I accept:3-D items , about 1400 QI relaxes,Tori Credits, hair,128 body textures

Mostly Tori Credits and 3-D items
Last edited by Kwing714; Feb 22, 2016 at 03:49 AM.
I pmed you.I can offer my set called .:COLORS:. in my inventory.
The value of that set is 14k
Xylonn´s Bitch
I only have items and textures.
I sell you my head texture.The original version its on 512x,free recolor.swag cap and a kitten head 512x.Check it on the fluxorious thread in the art section ;)
Xylonn´s Bitch
Im sorry man, but no I'm not looking for head 3-D items. Because I already have one. I'm looking for other 3-D items on other body parts..