Original Post
[DAT] clan Logo (new)
Hello I thought i should Sell a clan logo i just made:

im sorry about the size(could not have made it bigger)
Btw price is 10k-20k tc
Gay for warbanana
Gay for Killer20
I know what your trying to do..................your trying to make me make it free. heh.
I think.
see what you have done you got me all confused.
Gay for warbanana
Gay for Killer20
It just looks like you took brick wall paper , stuck a image of money from the net and typed in Death And taxes and (wow im on a role )
the pics of the guns you can get from the net (copy and paste) i could do this in 20 min in gimp :o
Last edited by Doni; Oct 13, 2008 at 09:07 PM.
dammit doni u took what i was gonna say

sigh, well here goes a repetion and some crap added in

most of this stuff is not original

the money is mouta's you can find it on the roster, you just copied and pasted it. the guns are obviously copied as well (i don't think anyone would actually draw some anyways...). for some reason you decided to have a brick background (lol...) and it really doesn't fit in at all

the only original seeming thing is the blood splatter, which is pretty bad looking in general with the words "Death" and "Taxes" written in a non legible way, and an "and" just which is pretty hard to read

plus you're selling it for 10-20k, for that? god, thats a ripoff, mouta or rich can do better for free

ps, whats with the xbox magazine thing... -.-
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

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