this happened to me sometimes...
my rig can run TB at like 300 fps and for a week i couldnt get above 8 fps
i solved it by typing this command
/opt fixedframerate 60
This is a solution if your cpu is running it too quickly which can cause lag.
alternatively try /opt fixedframerate 0 to unlimit your fps
also check your cpu drivers. most notably your network card drivers. ive seen this bea problem too..
even after all my research there are still days where it wont go above 30 fps no matter what,,, weirdest thing.. but i have recently switched to the steam version however and have had no problems so far
ps you may have to change that setting after every program startup as the settings seem to revert to default on startup
Last edited by Ambrogino; Mar 18, 2016 at 04:42 AM.