Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[✠AEON] Aeon Reichstag
✠Großdeutscher Aeon✠ - Reichstag

Clan Video by TheCobra

Here you find all zhe stuff you need to know about [✠Aeon✠]

If you are of interested into joinings zhe Reich, you of havings to post here
(Please of keepings in mind zhis is an aryan reich)

If you of applying, or you havings made it into zhe Reich, it would be of good idea to read zhis before you do anything else;
✠Ideologie (Rules)✠
Zhe Großdeutsches Aeon Reich is a free Reich based on honor and zhe belief zhat zhe Führer TheAnimal will leadings us to final victory. Rules are of beings:

✠ We are a Reich zhat follows the belief zhat every man and woman is of definings by his/her race and dedication to zhe Führer
✠ Because we are all of inferiors to zhe Führer and zhe Reich, it is beings our duty to end every post with "Hail Aeon".
✠ Speakings in favor about any race zhat is deemed subhuman or any clan zhat is regarded as of beings an enemy leadings to public execution.
✠ Speaking ill of zhe Führer leads to public execution
✠ Zhe SS are zhe few elite Parteimitglieder zhat may of speakings openly*
✠ We believe zhat freedom is necessary to be of sacrificings for zhe greater good of zhe Reich.
✠ Zhe Führer is of beings always right
* Of Speakings too openly still leads to public execution

Zhis is our roster of members who are in zhe Aeon Reich.

Zhis is where we of keepings track of zhe enemies of our Großdeutsches Aeon.

News of zhe frontlines and important announcements by zhe Führer are of postings here.

Since all members of zhe Aeon Reich are aryan, we are of perfection and thus of not needings any inactivity thread.

All zhe finances of zhe Großdeutsches Aeon are of being handled by zhe Führer so zhere of beings no thread for zhat.

(klick on zhe flag to listen to zhe anthem of zhe Reich)
Last edited by Chirs; Mar 29, 2016 at 11:24 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
✠Großdeutsches Aeon✠ - Parteimitglieder

Zhe dictator of Teumania, zhe conquerer of Austerich, zhe future emperor of zhe world



✠SS Oberstaffelmoderators✠
Zhe second biggest fish in zhe sea




✠SS Leutnants✠
Zhese guys have somezhing to say






Zhese guys are zhe Kannonenfutter











Zhese are zhe new guys who don't know what we do yet




✠Held des Reiches✠
Zhis individual played a great role in zhe formation of what has now become zhe Großdeutsches Aeon.


Last edited by Chirs; Mar 31, 2016 at 04:14 PM.
✠Großdeutsches Aeon✠ - Außenpolitik

Don't Kill My Vibe

-[RAWR]bitlord <3


Everyone else, but especially:
-Hardworker (farmer, not friendly)
-DltBot, Dltbot2 and tagknife (douchebag, spammer)

Zhese are subject to change as per zhe Führers whim.