Original Post
Proponents argue- "When we try to answer this question, we must not talk about how things should be, but how they really are. Yes, earning money is the only way to become successful nowadays. This is not how it should be, but that's how it is unfortunately. In Cambridge dictionary, successful is defined as: "having achieved a lot, become popular and made a lot of money".

Opponents argue- "Earning money is not, and never has been, the only way to be successful. The greatest success in life is achieved by overcoming obstacles, facing fears and dealing with difficulties. Each small achievement in personal development should be seen as a step towards success.

Personal success is gained by meeting challenges and overriding the hardships of life, so anyone who is disadvantaged can become a success. Poverty and debt can successfully be overcome without acquiring great wealth. Earning money is a necessity, but it is not the only way to success"

Does having money mean you are in terms successful? Is money the only way to determine how successful someone is?
Depends on what kind of success you're talking about. This brings me to the saying "Money can't buy happiness". It depends on if you're happy with your life, and if you think more money will make you more successful. Technically, you kind of need money in order to be successful these days. If not, you're frowned upon and discriminated.

I honestly like personal success, rather than money = success. I always feel better. But money feels good to have too. Eh, it could go different ways.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I believe Happiness = success
It gives the chance for anyone anywhere on earth to be successful
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I'd say it'd greatly depend but i'd define success as being lucky, A lot of people arn't born with the things others are in life, giving them an extreme advantage, also, wealth has barely anything to do with success due to the fact alot of people inheirit their money and some people with actual benefits to soceity, with the fact you can be an absolute fuckface *cough* kanye *cough* and be rich is kinda frightening but honestly success is one of those things that you have to give a meaning to.
To wrap up this post, I honestly don't think success is one thing but a few.
Last edited by woeb; Mar 26, 2016 at 11:59 PM.
I believe that success when you achieve a goal, and with most people, a pile of money is pretty much the goal that they seek. So in conclusion, to most people, money does translate to success, but not to everyone.
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As mentioned, it depends what kind of success you are talking about, as you can have all the money in the world, but if you lied and cheated your way to get there then how successful really are you, as you have no moral success only physical success.

Although if physical success was your only aim, then you have in fact achieved success, but in all other situations you have not. So as always with these discussion threads, you have been very vague with your question and so it is hard to answer when there are so many different approaches to the discussion at hand.

Could you be more clear as to what you meant as success?
In order to be objectively successful you need to make sure your genes survive. So go fuck some hoes and make as many children as possible.
How are you?