im so fucking mad right now, yesterday i went to get a haircut at a place i trust (ive been there many times and they usually do a nice job), so she cuts my hair and it looks fine to me, im not an expert but im always looking and making sure they dont do anything stupid.
after she is done cutting my hair she gets some gel or whatever and makes my hair wierd, she just folds it to the side or something which makes it hard to see the length of it, but i dont worry too much, and i plan to undo it when i get home.
i only noticed today when i woke up and looked in a mirror, she left the hair on top of my head a bit longer on purpose (its a small difference but very noticeable also I SPECIFICALLY ASKED HER NOT TO DO) like that stupid fucking undercut that every asshole cunt has for some reason and i fucking hate it its literally the worst haircut of my life, im planning to use a size 2 hair trimmer to get rid of this stupid shit.
Last edited by pusga; Apr 2, 2016 at 01:11 PM.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Undercuts are pretty cool

Give it a try m8

Also nice meme Larfen

At the beginning they were pretty cool yes, but nowdays nearly EVERYONE wears them.
Some people look soooooo bad with it but they still wear it just because everyone does. Idk how to treat that.

Idk if I am allowed to post here if not sorry I am gone already :o
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
idk I've been thinking about undercuts because my hair is dumb and when the sides get long literally nothing I do with it looks good so I would have to buy gel and FORCE IT TO LOOK GOOD and I don't want to live that life so an undercut might remedy that problem and make it so that the side is so short that there's no way that it can fuck itself up until maybe when it starts to grow again and then it looks dumb and I have to get my hair cut like every few weeks which would suck because when I'm at school there are no good barbers because it's in a tiny ass town so as it is now I only get my hair cut like 4 times a year which is cheap for sure but it ends up with my hair looking kinda silly sometimes but yeah undercuts might work who knows maybe I should just shave my head and never have to worry about it again but that would look especially silly I'm sure so that's not feasible and I'm probably not ready to make any drastic changes in my appearance so I'll probably just do what I've been doing for the past 4 years
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