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Full kick/demote clan control.
I think when you make a clan and you give other people the leader rank,that the creator of the clan should be able to kick those leaders if he/she ever want's to,I don't see a point of having to get a staff member too kick/demote people if he/she doesn't want them as leader anymore,either way it shouldn't matter what the creator of the clan does,mainly because that person made the clan there self.
You could simply make a Co-Leader rank and give them all the permissions you would like them to have.
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
I think it would be completely doable to allow members to manage ranks powers instead of only having leaders with the ability to do so.


If you just think founders need more power:
Making it plausible for a founder to kick a leader is redundant. Basically, you can look at that as literally removing the tool to promote someone to a leader. Considering you have complete control over the ranks as it is, you can very well make a Co-Leader rank, etc.

That is what people are trying to explain to you. You already have complete control over what you want to do.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Well it's still not that bad of an idea,plus the clan mods take to long to respond to most things,I just find it odd if you are the owner and you don't even have full ownership of your clan,also this makes me think of when owners can't delete post i do get why that is but,it still feels unfair,by the way i don't expect everything i say too be taken seriously,half the things i say are thoughts i feel that i should blurt out.
Last edited by BigDog; Apr 5, 2016 at 11:27 PM.
Originally Posted by bigdogswag View Post
Well it's still not that bad of an idea,plus the clan mods take to long to respond to most things,I just find it odd if you are the owner and you don't even have full ownership of your clan,also this makes me think of when owners can't delete post i do get why that is but,it still feels unfair,by the way i don't expect everything i say too be taken seriously,half the things i say are thoughts i feel that i should blurt out.

If you think that most of what you said is blurted out, maybe you should think a little before you blurt them out. Makes more sense if even you are aware that what you're saying has had little thought put into it.

You should never give leader to someone you don't trust. Make a Co-Leader rank. Simple. If you're having issues with someone you set to leader, that is your own fault and no one else's. You can go through the simple steps it takes to get him or her removed, seeing that it was your choice to put them in the rank. The suggestion is uneeded.
I didn't only put this here because it's a problem i thought it was an ok idea,also didn't you kick all your members of your old clan,wasn't it godly or something like that.
Last edited by BigDog; Apr 6, 2016 at 04:58 AM.
What everyone is trying to say is that it is unnecessary.
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