The Finale of the Wrath of Uke has come! Enjoy this short wrap-up conclusion to the story! Tori and Dobby face their destiny and take on the Biomech tyrant Ukeko. Enjoy the video, and thanks for watching!
In next coming days expect Wrath of Uke the MOVIE!! The 1+ Hour combination of every episode into the first Toribash film! Stay tuned this week for it!
It may seem kinda short but thats because, it was originally supposed to be with Episode 8, but i split it
I apologize for any color mistakes, it was giving me a hard time in this for some reason.
Replays by Wrath of Uke team
Last edited by matarika; May 2, 2016 at 05:55 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
A simple but good ending, enjoyed it. Action scenes weren't as cool as the last one, but it was still pretty good.
The flame you used for it though was kinda lame though. A better color would have been nice.
• AnimePlanet • MyAnimeList • Discord: Kohta#1577 • Nikos • Tuna • Pouffy • Aubrey • GuessTen • Rythm •
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
now that this has been made. i cant wait to see the whole thing thrown together. such a nice series matrinka wonderful work. can't wait for season 2. hopefully largekilla and swexx will be in the second season as well having them on in the clips would be good, because i am a huge fan of them both. the spars throughout the season were well managed so kudos to the actors/replay makers. the parkours and the fluidness of them were exquisite and very enjoyable. really looking forward to the 2nd season. i know i haven't commented on all the videos you have put up, but i was waiting till the end of this season. matarinka you are a really talented producer. especially making this game into an actual movie/series. not a lot of people would of put the time in it but you are well appreciated for it.