Original Post
[Tex] 1st jointed set I made
Did a tribal-abstract set. I'm really having a hard time mapping the upper parts of joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists). If someone can give me tips, I'll be glad.

Also K0HTA said it would be good if colors were cut in half (red left, blue right)


Programs: Mudbox, PS CS6, TB


Last edited by Samuel; May 27, 2016 at 05:29 AM.
Give me toriprime and VIP ops. TY TY
Reminds me of that minecraft texture pack. i think it's sphax

looks good. Could use some detailing and shading, but i can understand why you'll want to keep the minimalism
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
It's good but if you could get a bit of shading in, it would look better. Well it is your 1st one so, good job!
who reads these?
like... SERIOUSLY?
Considering that's your first jointed set, you did pretty well. And are you planning on making head, hands, and feet textures? I think it would make it better than it is.
Real good for a first attempt. Going to have to say that this does not look like work from someone who does something for a first try. This is real nice, especially the joints and body textures match on each other, I really like the design. You should keep the colours how you want it, I like the purple. Also did you mostly use Photoshop? That's what I use to make textures. With the restriction to use other applications due to the fact I hate paying for applications. This probably isn't the first texture you have made, it's probably the first jointed texture you've made.
Thanks for the CnC mates. I appreciate.

I used both Mudbox and Photoshop. I can shoot you some tips if you want. And mudbox has a free student version. You don't need to pay.
Give me toriprime and VIP ops. TY TY