Original Post
[Tex] "Complex" Joint Texture Progress

Made using Paint 2 for Mac

This is the Adamantium Maya set i have made. So far it looks really good. However, i have been requested to add Joint Textures to it. As this isnt a texture set like AssassinPro, where lining up the textures dont matter as much, and as im not super familiar wih joints, I would like some criticism


Last edited by Pixelate; May 23, 2016 at 02:54 PM.
It looks good so far, reminds me a lot of the adamantium set I bought from ConCon, which is good in my opinion. I think you should change the circles on the sides of the knee joints, maybe make a different symbol or something instead of the light blue circles.

Here are some other things I would consider changing or fixing:
On the stomach, there is those little white parts, it doesn't look too good, I would reccomend just making that part adamantium as well. On the knees, just needs to be lined up a bit, I'm sure you are planning on doing that.
you're on thin ice, pal
Turns out that this set was finished before you commented.
However, the lining up was done, and it looks good. The only thing to fix is the little bit on the back.