Love: ;). So, ik stop for a while with replay making and you need get your skills back (pls do it fast). I can see something good to perform there, but it is so so far. Also your left arm looked stiff all the time, so work on it.
Work on openers and creativity, what i recommend 200ed.
4/10 :c
T0ri0: Very good, you was smooth all the time there. Run was good and the jump after him too, but what i dont like is the fact what the execution of the first wall jump was phenomenal but the way you finished it wasn't natural. The next steps were cool but if you continue the run after the first wall jump, does a kong in the second and starts run again.. it looks more pro. The best pks dont have trickings (not a lot); just kongs and jumps like the first wall jump there and mantain yourself natural all the time makes a pk phenomenal, bcuz isnt all players who can mantain tori natural and continue the run after each step, with flow and speed. you're capable! you have the skills.
Last edited by Arakata; Jun 15, 2016 at 04:30 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump