[A] Robotic Head & Hand { Red/ Demon/ Pure }
The head comes with free hands that combines with the aspect of the head, but as well, you use it if you want to.
Creator: zVilche
End date: 24Hours after last valid bid
Min bid: 30K TC
Min raise: 1K TC
Auto Buy: 50K TC
Recolor: Just on the red parts
Flat preview: Ask me with love
If you withdraw a winning bid at the end of the auction you must pay the auctioneer 20% of that bid.
Remember a thing: You're bidding for the head, and not for the hands, as well: You cannot buy the hands or the head separetly.
And please don't judge the art, this is a auction and not a museum.
Last edited by zVilche; Jun 24, 2016 at 03:14 AM.