Writers, Planners, and Artists Needed for Toribash Lore Event
Hello everyone!
I recently had an idea for somewhat of an event. Here's how it goes:
Many things in Toribash, for example, descriptions of items colors and collectibles, reference to events in 'the past', as if there's a lore that supports them. Of course, Toribash does not have a story (besides the comic), which is perfectly understandable with what the game is.
However, with these 'prior events', item descriptions, and the creatures and people that our textures and items make our Toris out to be, Toribash is a perfect sandbox for a great story to be written. Even greater, when you think of how the community could be involved.
This is the plan: A group of people, known as Storymasters, will be in charge of creating a story inside of the unknown realm of Toribash, including a conflict, protagonists, antagonists, and all the other awesome stuff a good story needs. However, it will not be these people alone deciding what happens. The writing will be influenced by fights, spars, PKs, and other replays sent in by the Toribash community. This exciting story, and possibly more in the future, will be read by current and future generations of players, inspiring them to continue on their quest of conquering Toribash. Not to mention bringing the community together to create something truly awesome.
The problem is, there is still much to be done. As of now, there are few Storymasters to decide how the story will begin and unfold, decisions yet to be made, and artwork yet to be created. We need you.
Feel free to ask questions and discuss ideas in the thread! Please PM me if you would like to be a Storymaster/Planner or Artist, or if you have any direct questions for me.
Thank you very much!
i think this is the right thread for this, pls move it or tell me if it isn't thanks
Last edited by shit; Jun 27, 2016 at 10:30 PM.