Original Post
Is japanese not allowed in forum signatures?
I get this "Your signature contains too many lines and must be shortened. You may only have up to 2 line(s). Long text may have been implicitly wrapped, causing it to be counted as multiple lines." whenever I try to update it, but it's clearly less than 2 lines "[.CENTER][.I]私は死ぬのに役立ちます。 〜順子白井くん。[/.I][/CE.NTER]" right? Please explain or help, or both.

(The period is to stop the BBCode from happening.)
aeiou | #bantwin | twin's musical sense is like morning diarrhea
You are centering it causing it to take up more lines than it looks, plus, hitting return to make it go under also takes up room (you didnt do it here, just for future refernece). The italics also does this.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Oh, ok, I'll try to do it without these things.

Nope, doesn't work. Says the same thing about lines.
aeiou | #bantwin | twin's musical sense is like morning diarrhea
You did it without bold, italics center, etc? Hm, that's weird. May be a thing about illegal text or whatever in the signature.

Either the one dude deleted his post, or a moderator did. If any mods could help out with this. That'd be great. I don't know 100% for myself about this one
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Jul 2, 2016 at 05:33 PM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
It's allowed, the forum just thinks the japanese characters take more space than they actually do. Probably has to do with the fact that our normal characters are in ASCII, and japanese in Unicode. But I can't guarantee that.

Your japanese text works fine when you remove 1 of the characters, doesn't matter whether it's italics and centered or not. At least, I got it as my signature on my other account:

If you have toriprime or vip it will probably fit but that's a bit pricy just for this. I guess you will have to get a new text for your sig.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Only one character, huh. That's kinda lame, but okay, I'll stick with one char less.

I shall close this then? Thx for help.
aeiou | #bantwin | twin's musical sense is like morning diarrhea