Originally Posted by
seems kinda dumb, your right. also its weird how they are limiting everyone, why are there so many events that arent even fun but more like work?
they are tricking us to do there work, like one of those chocolate sale things, they give you 200 chocolate bars sell them and you have a "chance to win" like fuck that, if im spendign hours on a game project i am not doing it for the chance XD
and woah, trestet is the only some what ok set, like how are you gonna make that into anime, the rest look impossible to animate.
you guys must not be "creative thinkers" then if you give up on a persons set that easy its just sad... for the "head hunter" set id suggest haveing some chick with "anime" characters of all the heads on it and and backpack or something with the rest on it... No joke I only spent 10 seconds thinking about that. Anybody that wants to feel free to use that idea.
Moops set I would have a "hot-geek" style anime guy have a blue sweatshirt and the hood would be the head texture (ik the pic is a chick)
And you guys get the idea... Point being art events are made for us all to be creative and think outside the box... instead of complaining and giving up after
seconds put some small amount of effort into it...
@Oriq good for you having a positive outlook
@00Assassin00 same to you ^
The thing im getting at here is dont give up so easily and dont bash the sets you know...(guess not)
Last edited by KDigityDog; Jul 16, 2016 at 03:17 AM.
Reason: sharing/clarifying