Eh, this head's pretty good, you're very harsh toxikz.. But I'd have to agree it isnt' worth 13k. I think it could maybe use some sharpening, it looks very dull how it is and all smudgey or w/e you want to say. For good sharpening just make a new layer and go Image >Apply image, then soft erase over-sharpened parts (Sorry if you already knew that, just making sure)
Could also do with little details to make it worth that much more, perhaps some screws or something on what I presume to be metal under red flesh (Sorry if I got the concept wrong) and the red could use a little texture and possibly more shading.
Imo it's very nice, you may be able to sell for 2k as is. But I highly recommend sharpening it.
Better than I could do atm. =P
Last edited by Demonsoul6; Oct 25, 2008 at 09:52 PM.