Thanks Peature, It looks really cool. Ill think about using it.
@FruitCandy, I would draw something like that but again, I lack the utensils and penitence to draw using a computer. I have done it before, but It annoys me to no end. Im getting a drawing tablet soon so it shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Eventually when we get some money, we will aim to hire someone specifically for Art and Thumbnails and such. As of right now I'm in charge of both editing and Art for the channel.
Edit: @ Peature, The thing is that the art for the games changes whenever we change our respective main series games. So in turn the > and < looking slots will need to be Plank so I would be able to change them at will, I think I can edit it to make a editble version where that is transparent enabling me to edit it whenever. But its still really nice regardless. Actually scratch that cause of the font in the way I cant remove the image without spending 2 hours shaving stuff away or accidentally damaging the font. If you could somehow remove the two remaining Game pictures that would be cool.
Last edited by Fates; Aug 5, 2016 at 04:41 AM.