sync example which I think you know already
Color Correction:
I recommend Magic Bullet Looks, look it up on YouTube, you can find it there.
When you get MBL, play around with it, get used to it, use exposure, diffusion, grad exposure, pop, and always remember to play around with curves, play around with the color settings, etc.
Thx my dude , very helpful, I have mbl btw, just not very good at it
and I use twixtor
MBL isn't the only color correcting plugin. There's so much good stuff in default AE that's quick and better than the stuff that's in Looks (besides pop).
Curves, Levels, Hue/Saturation, Glow, Tint, Exposure, Brightness/Contrast, and Color Balance (HLS) are all powerful tools. please don't rely on a third party plugin like its the only thing available, cause when you dont have it you'll be stuck with not knowing how to color correct with default ae