What we used to do in [Monk] is have a clan bank then another bank for events, someone would donate to the event bank, then what we would do is have someone (trustworthy Volunteer) login to the bank and create a betting server. 20k TC to use on decap (not all at the same time) and then 5k or 10k for global (depending on if we you have someone with prime.
Every now and then we'd host a Tourney with the TC we'd make from the betting servers. Whatever mod. But we'd have to log it. Like for example
Host: (username)
Time: (date and time you did it, gmt included)
Mod: (the mod you used)
First place: (username) = (TC Won) (Usually 10k)
Second place: (Usernane) = (TC Won) ( usually 5k)
And that's basically it!!!!
If you need more in depth detail, my Skype is in my application to this clan. ^.^
Last edited by Rumors; Aug 30, 2016 at 08:41 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump