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Obama claiming to run a "3rd term" leading Martial Law
I don't know if this was discussed or not, couldn't find any thread speaking about it but it's all over the internet and came out of Obama's mouth himself.

Obama states that he will not leave the office for the presidential election and the only possible way is by declaring Martial Law. I will post links of proof and verification of his statements along with information about martial law and all what it can lead too along with valid information on how it's possible for the president to declare martial law.

Now, this is my thought about it:
If Obama declares Martial Law which will allow him to be in the White House for a possible 3rd term, that'll cause chaos and panic on the United States thus leading into a possible New World Order. The USA is already going deep in shit as is, and in my thought, all this will do is cause a possible World War 3 if executed correctly. Now, another theory that comes to mind is people claiming that Obama is the anti-christ and if he pulls this off, it's 100% authentic. I do not really believe in all that crap but the proof is in front of us. Maybe the end of time is really here?

Anyway, let me see what you guys think and what others think outside of the USA.

Serious discussion please.

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It didn't come out of Obama's mouth. None of the links or videos you provided proved this either. This is a non-story. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Very tempted to close this (since it's not a legit discussion (since it's all bullshit)), but I'm curious to see first whether you accept your mistake or instead double-down on this.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
but I'm curious to see first whether you accept your mistake or instead double-down on this.

Well is it fair to even keep this thread open so you can see his reaction to your post? You're basically leaving this open to see if deak makes a fool of himself for "entertainment" purposes.
This is something we can discuss ;)
Also i agree with ele this seems like a faked story and you're sources don't seem reputable.
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face
Well, more for my curiosity rather than entertainment (I was interested to see which way he would take it). Like a social experiment. By asking me to close this you're kind of just assuming he'd double-down.

If he does double-down I want to follow him down that hole and see if it's at all possible to drag him out of it. It's not about mocking for me, it's about seeing if it's possible to get a bloke in an online conversation to see where he went wrong and to change his mind.

Sam Harris has a podcast where he does this sometimes. He brings in people that vehemently disagrees with him and he tries to have productive conversations where they resolve their disagreements. It rarely works. It seems that a lot of people, instead of disavowing false notions when they are shown to be false, simply double-down on their positions. It's disturbing and interesting.

Anyway, that's why I was curious and why I left it open. Not to mock, but to see if I could ever change his mind (if he were to double-down on his position).
Last edited by Ele; Sep 13, 2016 at 02:39 PM.
I assume he's gunna double down and be stubborn cuz who the hell wants to side with you. If you told me 1+1 = 2 I'd say 3 despite the numerous evidence against me only because I don't want to side with you.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
I assume he's gunna double down and be stubborn cuz who the hell wants to side with you. If you told me 1+1 = 2 I'd say 3 despite the numerous evidence against me only because I don't want to side with you.

Why's that? I'm a pretty reasonable guy.

...You haven't mistaken me (Ele) for wibblefox (immortalpig/gorman) have you?
Last edited by Ele; Sep 14, 2016 at 09:35 AM.
I read it somewhere that if Hillary dies, the Dems will claim she was poisoned by Putin and Trump, and Obama will stay in office until this claim is investigated. This all sprung from Hillary's 9/11 memorial incident.

Seems like kind of a stupid scenario if you ask me, no matter how you look at it. The Dems have plenty of other people to replace Hillary with. Hell, if I were the Dems, I'd poison Hillary myself because her ratings seem to suck pretty hard these days. They'd probably come out better if they got someone like Joe Biden to run.
I've been told by Deak that I can close this. I'm guessing that means he came around to the idea that this wasn't the most legitimate news story and he doesn't want to argue or take this any further.

This is a win for rationality. Disavow false notions when they are shown to be false. Do not entrench yourself in wilful ignorance. LONG LIVE REASON!