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C'mon 100k for a name?
The price for A name change hmmmm....100k!!!

Do You Feel like 100k of your hard earned Tc is worth a name change?
Well if you support the cause that name change prices should be dramatically decreased to at least a reasonable price then show your support by saying #RipNameChange

So many hearts broken when they find out 100k of that hard earnd that u spent weeks fighting for a name change rip that poor little black belt's dreams

It's sad to think about the fact that you finally managed to scrape up a few tc after weeks of intense fight staying up all night day afer day and u finally have the 100k that u only dremed about. Now u have to pick a choice have your tori look like a bum with a new name or looking cool with a bum name. V.V support the cause:

Picking A name can be the hardest thing ever R.i.p to 2nd Chances kys
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100k for a name change isn't actually all that bad.
You have to remember that TC needs to be sunk every now and then... I would imagine it would also be very annoying if every day someone was requesting a new name change if the prices were fairly low. Keep in mind price of a name change goes up every time you get one. You're 2nd name change will cost 200k, etc.

Name changes are meant for when you seriously want a name change and are willing to pay the price for it. Even at 10k/$, a name change would only cost $10
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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Originally Posted by XxKimaXx View Post
But Does it really have to start so high?

Considering I've made 100k TC+ in one day on multiple occasions I personally wouldn't consider it being high at all. However I do understand that for some newbies who have no idea how to make TC can find it difficult. Instead of complaining about prices though, they should learn how to make the TC so that they can afford whatever they desire.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Truebut you gotta put your self in there shoes and see the Bigger picture that everyone may not have the marketing or dueling skillz that you may have.
And also an Easy fix for the repeated name changes maybe be to put a restriction on the amount of changes u can get
Last edited by Alternative; Sep 15, 2016 at 07:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I've never gotten a namechange and I love all of my names. The problem with lowering the price is that a lot of names people want are in low demand. Name changes will putter out fast if they're cheap. If you don't have the skill to make enough tc for a name change, you can buy tc. This is like asking to lower the price of demolition force. It may not be the cheapest thing, but it's a goal to work towards. Why lower the worth of that goal for everyone else who has been working towards it?
I think I might be retired.
Player joins and puts too many Xs in their name.
Player wants to change the name.
Player realises that it costs 100k to change.
Player realises that they're not desperate enough to get the tc and change it.
Player still wants a name change though.
Player makes a thread in suggestions about overbearing cost.

I don't know the reason the price was set at exactly that in the first place but it works out to be a pretty good sweetspot. The idea is that when you pick a name you pick something you're happy to stick with. It's what people use to identify you and not something people generally expect to change.
The cost is there to stop people doing it too often. It's obnoxious and if you want it badly enough you can get yourself 100k for the privilege.
first of all you said that your hard earn money would be waste on namechange? Then you should think wisely what will you use for the TC at the end, if you desperate enough to earn TC to get a namechange and you finally did it, i won't say that as a waste. it is all about priorities man. 100k in these days is quite easy to get, a lot of chances you could strive.

second, from what i see there is a reason on why it was set to 100k. Like Solax said, it is a precaution to a continuous change which will annoy the staff. Yeah i know deciding a name is the hardest thing to do, but you still have to work for it. You think there is no 2nd chance? but there is already the second chances option, the staff is kind enough to give this option as a second chances.

personal info: i have been aiming for a namechange since like the beginning of the game. And several month ago, i had a chance to get 1mil in one go.After i give it a thought, it quite a hassle to change my name since a lot of member known me as this. So my name remain as Tricerafi. But, the effort to get myself 1 mil is fun and memorable.

So i won't supported to lowering the name change price. Cause i think it is already as good as it is
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you