Originally Posted by
so it's pretty much old style tourney or victory as you like but with fee, nudges are the worst thing you can do to this kind of event, bets can go on with this since the core thing, betting still is available for people, this wouldn't hold for long if you had the same 3 guys fighting over and over again, sorta reminds me about p2w games.
Yea it's somewhat like Evictory but slightly different.
Also in regards to the "pay2win" comment. I'd say it's not necessarily pay2win, but rather pay2play. There is no guarantee that whoever enters the most/pays the most to play will win. In fact it could be the exact opposite, just depends on how long you can streak with one entry fee payment and whether or not people beat your total wins you've gathered while playing.
Basically say if I put in 10k to enter, and I get 20 wins with that one entry fee payment and no one gets 20 wins by the time it's up I never really have to enter in again.
Originally Posted by
As scorp said, that's basically victory v2 with better prizes. Not a bad thing once in a while.
Few things to consider:
- Nudges are cancer in those type of events, definately against it.
- Different types of rewards and entry fees to allow all people to afford playing it (once with a 'better' prize, once with something still cool but less expensive and cheaper to get into)
- Relatively fast-paced mods to give a chance to as many guys as possible (or rt set to 15 with mods like abd)
- Thread/sticky to announce when the next one will take place with the information about prize/entry fee
- Trivia questions to keep the server entertained with small prizes
- Proper betting handling (f.ex. changing HBR to win not a nudge, but another chance for free)
cont later
With lower/cheaper prizes I'd assume it would be ok to host these more frequently but who knows.
I like the idea of trivia questions, possibly even free entryfee (fenter) for whoever gets it correct or ST?
The betting idea makes sense too.
Should there be a free entry if say someone enters 2x or 3x the entry fee to decapprize? (this may result in decapprize attracting more people to come in and play even if it is just for the decapprize)
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Sep 24, 2016 at 12:23 AM.