Originally Posted by
Felt like the entire video was enjoyable to watch, cc and shader matched well
The same effect didn't bother me, fit in really well that I actually had to watch it plenty of times before I noticed it was being used more than once. This video looks like it could have looked better with raytracing, but I like the look either way. The video seems a bit too rigid, RSMB(reelsmart motion blur) would have helped greatly.
After Effects is a better program for toribash edits (and editing in general for that matter), you should look into it, lots of tutorials and discussions for people switching from SV I believe.
Looks like someone's been sucking your dick ^^
I like your cc color choice, I think the cc itself could have been executed better though, not a fan of the diffusion at all.
your freecam is really bland, and I think it would look better if you tried and got creative with it, try looking into expertcam if you haven't already.
was choppy at times, going full opacity on that black effect thing wasn't a great idea imo cause it literally hurts my eyes.
Honestly this video is just velo, cc, and a low budget effect.
you should try playing around with your p/c, rotations, scaling, even pos
/opt grip 0