Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Videos that never went public
I thought I might as well make this thread because hey, people deserve to see the shit that will never go on my channel publicly.

pred8r and starker used this song before i could finish so i ended this on a meme and cried

was supposed to be a collab with habu but i bailed on it because of the song

people kept saying this was good but idk i wasnt feeling it

i dont even

was gonna be my part of a collab with cats but i gave up because imbad

might actually continue but there's a crosshair so rip

I will be sure to update this with my future failures
The thing is that you're giving up way to easily (how I see it). You have the potential to actually do good stuff and it do take time making it! "Spoiler: people kept saying this was good but idk i wasnt feeling it" and "Spoiler: pred8r and starker used this song before i could finish so i ended this on a meme and cried " was the one I liked most, you have toooo keeep goiiing, you little WindowedArachnidZapinator9000
Necrobumping Elite Master - ps dont tell Fred
jag såg de där
mas w/ emoteen the intro was super long.

pred8r and starker used this song before i could finish so i ended this on a meme and cried
best video 2ktrump
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
Originally Posted by Miracle11 View Post
The thing is that you're giving up way to easily (how I see it). You have the potential to actually do good stuff and it do take time making it! "Spoiler: people kept saying this was good but idk i wasnt feeling it" and "Spoiler: pred8r and starker used this song before i could finish so i ended this on a meme and cried " was the one I liked most, you have toooo keeep goiiing, you little WindowedArachnidZapinator9000

That's the most frustrating thing, I know that I'm capable of making good content but i always notice more flaws in my work than anyone else, and once I notice them, I can't continue with the project.
Actually i have a few similar problems: you can make top-tier stuff,however,easily can see more problems than quality.
Probably this happens to all the editors,maybe because we are the one who makes and modify the stuff,watching it continuously and repeating,while the ones who watch the final project only look the video 3 or less times.
I've got away from editing a few times because of it too.

Anyway: "people kept saying this was good but idk i wasnt feeling it" is pretty creative.
specially with that uncommon "scare" on beggining(yes,i got a jumpscare even not being anything really scary there,just the sound glitch lol). And its pretty good.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592

i forgot to add this but here, I don't really like this one that much

actually finished something if anyone's interested

Something that i made for an event hosted by perceived editing (replay choice was forced and limited to 3 replays). I would recommend that any beginner toribash editor that is looking for a team joins it as it is pretty much the only option for toribash editors of that level rn
