Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[tex] First Head
Hello everyone, I would like some C&C on this head I have been working on I have been working on it a while and want to know what you think, I am new to texture making so feel free to tell me how bad I am aha.

Program used ( <---- Free Program Windows only I think
If you might like to buy this head feel free to PM me with an offer note it's not done yet.

cats Moderated Message:
i added a tag for you, be more careful in the future.
Last edited by cats; Sep 25, 2016 at 01:35 PM.
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
Try to have a reference pic of what you're making. Try to know where the light hits. Dont forget to map it well on the head.
3698 PM me if you want to see a secret.
First of all pay attention to the template which u use

Second of all, keep checking the mapping of the head in the initial stages of the head cuz then it is easier to edit and adjust it.

Also, u shud try to use a better program...gimp,if not photoshop
Doing art requests, PM me on discord Propialis#0839
Originally Posted by karanawesome View Post
First of all pay attention to the template which u use

Second of all, keep checking the mapping of the head in the initial stages of the head cuz then it is easier to edit and adjust it.

Also, u shud try to use a better program...gimp,if not photoshop

Honestly, he did just fine. Yeah, it could be better. But he said it isnt done yet and is still working on it.

I'm not sure how it looks mapped, so post some ingame shots so we can help you easier. It seems like it maps just fine.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
It's nice you went for contrast of light and what not. But be careful with it. It looks really blurry.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
as far as mspaint goes this looks impressive, i would work on the mapping a little more seeing how there is a line in the back of you head but not to bad.
edit: hard to see the eyes and not a lot of detail in general, try adding scares or sharper lines,
eyes are really blurry >.<
Last edited by Zorow; Sep 28, 2016 at 03:24 AM.
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