Top 100[x]
Top 50[x]
Top 15[]
Top 5[]
10 members[x]
25 members[]
5k in bank[]
10k in bank[]
50k in bank[]
Start using applications[x]
Be a famous clan[]
Be nice to other members
Respect leaders/co leaders
Be active (if you need to take a break tell a leader/co leader)
Upon being inactive for 2 weeks you will be placed in the Wanderers rank, and 2 more weeks of inactivity will earn you a ticket out of the clan.
Only black belts and above are allowed to join or try out NO alts(the only exceptions allowed to be made are from leaders or people leaders say are ok.[Viamere Pblo and Toxinate])
There was once a tori who was getting beat beyond recognition, so he trained day and night till he had the power to pound the people who once beat him. After he had the power to fight back, he noticed that it was still a problem with other toris, he decided to forge the clan named Pound It Fam so his members could help pound the players who take advantage over the noobs.
A clan story or description.
Aims, goals, and inner-clan guidelines
If you have a clan bank you must state all users that have access to the account as well as the account's name. If you don't have a bank then you may ignore this rule.
These things are required. Please add them within 7 days of this post or action will be taken. I also suggest reading the Clan Rules and Guidelines.
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
Hello guys, its awesome to be here, most of you probably already know me by either Diety or Nicejesus, and for those who do not yet know me i hope to get to know you very soon ;)