So what exactly is it you want us to discuss about feminism? Do you want us to talk about how the feminist movement isn't actually feminist and instead man-hating? What do you want us to talk about, specifically?
Probably not. But people are just going to care less and less. Even in the middle ages women petitioned the king to get the blokes to stop going to the pub so much. It'll just get another new coat of paint. Or happen after the lessons here are forgotten.
Most women are using bad wording
Most don't want Gender Equality
Most want Gender Superiority
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
That to me raises 2 discussion points;
-Gender discrimination in modern Western soceity, when does it happen? Is it still fair to say women are discrimated against by society in a general sense?

-Words change meanings, does feminism still stand for what it used to? Is a feminist still the same person as it used be?

I do think more could be done to help women who were out of work due to pregnancy to get back into a solid job, I dont however have a solution, at the same time most domestic abuse laws are based on the Duluth model which theorises that men use violence to gain power in relationships and the model completely ignores male victims of abuse
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Classifying them so concretely gives a "no true Scotsman" fallacy, I would argue that "feminazis" are feminist, but what a feminist is, is far looser than the dictionary definition would suggest.
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
You'll never have a balanced and fair discussion about feminism on a game forum. Too many people with bad information and combative mindsets.

Feminism is a movement dedicated toward the equality of genders. That's just a fact. Some people may claim to be feminists, but fail to support the core values. That exists in every movement.

Some of those that decry feminism are also terrible people that actually hate and are violent toward women. But not everyone that disagrees with feminism is that way, and not every feminist is your "feminazi" strawman. Far from it actually.

I'd wager that most of you haven't interacted with feminists, and if you did, you were probably antagonistic toward them. There's so much discussion about how terrible and oppressive feminists are, and that makes people immediately act hostile toward feminists before having ever interacted with one themselves.

Most feminists are also very concerned for the well-being of men within our culture. Feminism is always striving to encourage respect for femininity, in men and in women. It's actually a very fair movement. There's just a certain degree of.. exhaustion within the community because every person that talks about it with you is hostile and defensive.

Just... think for a moment about how much feminism actually oppresses you in your day-to-day life. Try to be a little bit less angry about a movement that's dedicated toward people feeling better about themselves. Try to look past whatever horrible thing feminism did to you in your past, and just try to understand why it's a positive movement that's meant to encourage confidence and self-love in men and women.

A lot of the concepts and ideas shared in feminism are actually really agreeable if you drop your assumptions about feminism being shitty.

Idk why I'm posting here, it's just kinda sad seeing this sort of misinformed discussion on the forums of a game I love. I'm not trying to shame any of you, I just genuinely wish that people would drop the hate and give feminism a shot? Just read a bit about what it wants to accomplish, and don't assume that it's intended to take away your rights, or belittle men.
