Original Post
Haunted House - DIY

Every year, staff come up with plenty of spooky events to scare your pants off, but we hardly ever have a good fright ourselves! So, this year, you'll be the ones scaring us!

You'll need to dust off the ole' modmaker (for which there are some great tutorials), because you have 3 weeks to make a mod so terrifying it could make Chuck Norris wet himself. It should be playable in some capacity (either as a spar, a parkour, or some crazy lightning wushu beg ballgore fusion), but beyond that you can let loose! Whether it's a proper haunted house, a creative modification of the toris, or some frightening halloween scene, the sky is the limit. After voting ends, the most well made, creative, fun, and appealing mod will be chosen, and the winner will receive Skull Necklace + 4 ST, with the option of having their mod put in a public room for a period.

  • Plagiarism is bad. Where we catch you doing it, you'll be barred from the event AND banned. Don't try your luck.
  • Don't submit old/premade mods
  • Only one submission per person. If you've made multiple, you'll have to pick one to be your final entry.
  • Collaborations are A OK. If you decide to collaborate with another person, you'll both need to agree on how to split the prizes

+ 4 + Mod Entry will be put in its own public room*

+ 2 + Entry will be given a spot in the pubfeatured mod rotation*

The deadline is November 13th

Submissions will be judged on creativity, playability, and aesthetic appeal. Judging will be done by the Event Squad.

* - after some time, mod lineups and rotations will resume to be dictated by community preference
I would love to participate if it's ok...
I'm terrible at mod making, so i doubt anything good will come out of this XD
I give the best relationship advice
Oh yeah I'm gonna give this a try

Can we create single player mods or does it need to be mp?
Last edited by Quack; Oct 22, 2016 at 11:27 AM.
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Originally Posted by Rules
  • Don't submit old/premade mods

Nah man, where's the excitement in recycling old stuff. It'll be way more fun to make original contributions