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20 Votes / 80.00%
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5 Votes / 20.00%
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Original Post
Bring the 10% rule back for betting server
I think all of you know that in bet Server you are not allowed to cancel the bets if there are any Counters.

My Suggestion is that we bring the 10% rule back (for those who dont know if there is 10k on 1 Person there Needs to be 1000 tc on the other Person or else the bets get canceled)
Agreed, just betting 100TC against someone who bets 20K is just dumb. If the 100TC loses its not much of a loss, however if he wins he gets the profit of the 20k without risking much.

I've already told this to Swosh, but the 10% rule can be abused by the host. E.g. server op bets 10k on a dude and at frame 420 it's almost certain that the dude is gonna lose, so everybody starts profit raping. If the rape exceeds 1000% of the bets on the losing dude, op can just cancel gets and get his 10k back. I believe this is why the rule got removed in the first place.
Originally Posted by AssassinPro View Post
I've already told this to Swosh, but the 10% rule can be abused by the host. E.g. server op bets 10k on a dude and at frame 420 it's almost certain that the dude is gonna lose, so everybody starts profit raping. If the rape exceeds 1000% of the bets on the losing dude, op can just cancel gets and get his 10k back. I believe this is why the rule got removed in the first place.

There was the Profit Rape rule, if a guy is DMed ... the host cannot cancel bets.

Keep in mind the 10% rule was never official though and more of a trend. Even if it is brought back, some servers probably won't bother with it just because the current rule is easier to work with.
do you hate me, am i crazy?
'cause i do.

Isn't the redundancy with cancel bets a bit worse than the chance of being profit raped? I have never seen what you're describing for every bet server I've participated in when the 10% fad was a thing. Not to mention what Trestet said about a DM rule would probably make the chances of a profit rape happening even lower.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I personally think this is not the best thing bet larger win larger
but a bit back my friend did bet 100 and got 99 back I don't know if this would fix that
but if it would I am for it.