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Multiplayer Replay Thread
Hello there, this is my new multiplayer replay thread.
I will be compiling this thread full of new replays
that I have made. There will be atleast 1 replay a week.
CnC is much appreciated just don't be hateful
and keep cnc helpful rather than saying nice or this sucks.
Remember I do take into consideration the tips you guys have
so please do help as much as possible.


When a tag is coloured golden it means
that I worked really hard for the replay.
When a tag is coloured grey it means
that it was a good replay but I did not
do my best/exceed my full potential.

First Replay
This was a spar with semnome3 (great sparrer)
So please give CnC it is much appreciated.
Attached Files
SparWsemnom3.rpl (710.1 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Samurai; Dec 7, 2016 at 03:13 AM.