Original Post
Sticky this
Thats right folks, the mentors have been decided.
Just post here if you want to get some help in a mod.
Use this form:
Mod/s I need help in
When i will be online

Its as simple as that.

Judo Mentor: Kannibul
Kickboxing Mentor: ofPhailure
Betabox Mentor: Mister616
Aikido Mentor: Geast
Kekekke, ;D
Last edited by Jim; Nov 6, 2008 at 11:42 AM.
No love for Taekkyon D:

Mah form:

Name: Geast
Needs help in: Wushu
Time Online: Weekends, around 4GMT-10GMT
Name: Kannibul
Mod/s I need help in: Aikido
When I will be online: Any days besides Wednesday or Thursday. I can be on anytime really. But my time zone is +11 GMT so I should be on around 5:00 AM GMT weekdays and any time from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM +11 GMT weekends. Just depends if my brothers are on or not.
Last edited by Kannibul; Nov 6, 2008 at 10:10 AM.
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.
PM the absolute shit out of me if you want me to teach you my black magic that can scare Mosier.

I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Time to ressurect this thread. I need to learn how to play aikido like a pro. Willing to teach me Geast?
Sure thing, Xenmas. Not for the next few days though, I'm quite busy. Oh and, I still suck at wushu =D Willing to teach me?