Original Post
Active Textures
I think it would really cool for players to be able to create their own active textures, like you know how people search active backgrounds like the matrix or whatever. It would be really cool to see someone have the matrix as active on their tori.
What do you mean by "active textures"?
If you're referring to gifs then it has already been suggested

I'm pretty sure he's asking for gif textures, and I'm sure this will end up like every other thread on the same topic. It likely won't be implemented, and if it is it will likely be extremely limited.
I think I might be retired.
Please try to be a little bit clearer on what you want to suggest, because nobody has a clue what to do with your suggestion right now. Tell us as many details as possible. How will it work? What does it look like ingame?

Do you want animated textures of any kind? Are you referring to a skybox-like thing?
Originally Posted by SpawnZz View Post
No I don't mean Gif's I mean like continuoes things

The matrix animated background you're talking about is a gif too. Just because it loops perfectly doesn't make it something else.

Unless of course you're asking for a texture set that literally animates itself at random, not in a pattern, which would require even more unnecessary strain on less than perfect computers. It might be cool, in theory, but our game can't handle it and even if it could, a lot of people wouldn't even be able to see it because it destroys their framerates.
I think I might be retired.
So, no one is actually sure what you want here.
I'm going to close the thread, if you want it reopened send me a PM