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Inner head texture
What if u could texture the inside of the head? That be like wow. U could rlly use that .png to full extent.

I see this as a newitem that is a like a headture but on the inside of the head, a new layer and by combining the two a hole new level of texturing can become reality.
U could make holes and see stuff through them in theory. And other stuff.
Is it a dumb idea?...might be, because of the lighting
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Im going to agree with Kozmonaut with this, there is no way anyone would free cam just to see inside of your head. It is very of the stupidity. Your idea is good. But bad? If you get what im saying, It's good because it would be a nice feature, but who would free-cam to get into your head. Plus, the head is small as it is. It would be hard enough to get it INTO the head. You also have to add the fact that lets say you get decappitated, and your head starts to fly around, would it be ragdolled or just sit there? it'd be worse. You tell us.

Actually i wasent thinking freecamin in the head

It more like using transparency (.png files with no background in certain parts.)

Imagine this:
A face with with wide open mouth. Head texture is transparent down the trought ( surrounding teeth, tongue).
On the new texture u draw an eye or small face on the back of the head surrounded by dark red color with transparency in the front, where the mouth is.
That wad more like what i was imaginng.
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The way I see it he is imagining it like the new mc skins for example, how you can layer it with the outer layer being able to be transparent.