Original Post
Black & White
New edit.

Replay Makers: Yohimbo (Me), Quickflow, Bloodage2
Programs Used: SVP 14, Bandicam
Music: Beastie Boyz - Make Some Noise
Perceived Editing Discord:
Last edited by Yohimbo; Feb 6, 2017 at 02:02 PM.
Song was already used.


Right click on video> Switches> Disable Resample

Bad sync, use velocity?

I'm not sure if you added cc or anything, but you want to make it looks like it suits the song.

Bad keyframing, keep the action in the center of the screen, try to keep it smooth so the camera doesn't move around too much.
Please add the music to the OP.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Keshava View Post
Song was already used.


Right click on video> Switches> Disable Resample

Bad sync, use velocity?

I'm not sure if you added cc or anything, but you want to make it looks like it suits the song.

Bad keyframing, keep the action in the center of the screen, try to keep it smooth so the camera doesn't move around too much.

This video was inspired by Nihuon's, and I don't believe that when someone makes an edit with a certain song/genre, that they own said song/genre.

I'm working on RSMB, but it's hard finding a legit download with the time I have.

I did disable resampling, on all clips. Did you even watch the video?

Yes, I did use velocity. I was dead on my feet so I might re-watch it and see what horrendous shit I did this time.

CC was a bit shitty, I'll admit. I was tired and lazy. I'll probably revisit this and fix all this weird shit.

I know how to keyframe, I've been doing this for over a year. Albeit with much shittier editing.
I would just like to point out that what I said was honest cnc, no need to be so hostile. I also find it very hard to believe that you have been doing this for a year.
Originally Posted by Keshava View Post
I would just like to point out that what I said was honest cnc, no need to be so hostile. I also find it very hard to believe that you have been doing this for a year.

yeah I'm sorry about being hostile, It's been a rough week for me, sorry.
I started out using something called OpenShot, then moved on to blender, and recently got SVP. So all in all I've been doing it for over a year, but I've only been editing in SVP for about 3 months.

Thank you for your honest cnc, me being hostile was uncalled for and I apologize.
Originally Posted by Keshava View Post
Song was already used.

This song already used since released. So.. What's this matter?

Nice video, first of all just work in your flow dude. You can find some tutorials on yt.
Here's one:

peace! <3

Artist. Sometimes.