Original Post
(Ski) SKI
thanks to burnincrow for the logo


Theres no backstory to the lit clan called Ski, which makes it interesting, no one knows how it came to be, who made it, or who is the most powerful in it. Some say it started when a catastrophic (lit) war broke out, others say it started as a lit street gang in a crooked city, or started as a pack of friends getting lit. But no matter what tale they can make up, everyone in are skilled at one thing or another. It's liit!

[X]Be lit
[X]Have 5 members
[ ]Have 15 members
[ ]Have A Total Of 20 members
[X]Have100 Toricredits in Bank
[ ]Have 1k Toricredits in Bank
[ ]Have 5k Toricredits in Bank
[ ]Have 10k Toricredits in Bank
[ ]Become ranked
[ ]Rank 100
[ ]Rank 50
[ ]Rank 5
[ ]Rank 1

-Dont be toxic
-Don't kick members without reason (Unless you're leader)
-Have fun!
-Two Accessible Leaders
-Four Accessible Co-leaders
- Eight Accessible Recruiters
-Don't abuse thread page
-Be lit
Join Ski! <-----

Bank Access


~ Our main homie

Numbrt ~ A green frog that leads the clan!

BurninCrow ~ he co-leads the clan. By making art!

Stiq ~ Idk, he is just too good at co-leading the clan and playing AikidoBigDojo.

SpyGuyGuy ~ he helps recruit people, our lit homie.

SkiBank ~ Our bank. Where we send our Toricredits there.

Member Ranks

Last edited by Numbrt; Apr 3, 2017 at 02:48 AM.
(SKI) Clan ~ This is Lit!!! First thread post! Let's go!!!! Anyways, you plan on joining this lit clan? Look fam, you gotta introduce yourself. Don't randomly say crap, you'll be denied. Here is some required things you want to know how to make an app. We'll also make an example, just for you fam! Any Troubles? Pm me or this Qeni noob. We'll explain how we can help ^^. Ok, let's go to the requirements. OH! I almost forgot the more you write down, the higher chances of you getting in this clan. If you don't use any of these requirements, you'll be denied. Like I said, we'll show you an example of an Applying thread. Just to help you!
- Make an intro first, so we get to know who the hell you are, fam. Where do you live? How old are you? What belt are you in this game? What do you do in life? Nothing? that's alright.. Oh. also your name, what is your name? introduce your name!
- Tell us reasons! Why the fuck would you join this clan, is it not too lit for you? You know anyone from the clan? friends from clan? or even family members from clan? What Suits you?
- We like to hear about your favorite mod. I mean what's your favorite official mod? Kicking Mod? Grappling Mod? Also, tell us which mod specifically, too.
- (NOT REQUIRED)Hobbies? What hobbies? any hobbies you love doing? Sports? Art? Talent? What the hell is your hobby in-game and in real life.
- Give us any extra comments about this app. Please no negativity, we hate that, or else automatically denied. What else would you like to talk about?
- Tell us your in-game activity, and forums activity. If you up to at least 8.5/10 or more, then could be a higher chance of entry for this clan
Thanks for reading the thread! Hope this helped. Don't abuse spams of random app threads. You'll be denied. There are 2nd chances (also 3rd), we can give you 1 week after a denial. There will votes from this to people that we know and trust. Here we have the Application Example! Btw, be appropiate while making an app. Plz!
Want more info? PM Badman4546 which is me. My main account. I'm always active on badman4546.

Application Example

This Whole Thing Is On Here

Join Ski!
Last edited by Numbrt; Mar 31, 2017 at 07:39 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I recommend changing the bg of your logo from white to transparent.
It'll look nicer
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Jul 30, 2017 at 06:19 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex